Truth, faith, life, and our society

We hear in the Easter liturgy: "By the power of the cross, the judgment of the world and the victory of the Crucified One appear in full light."

French writer and philosopher Fabrice Hadjadj, quoted in the book "What is Truth?" (original title "Qu'est-ce que la vérité ?") says this about Truth:

  • 1°/ Truth must be incarnated in a person, because if it is only an ideology it does not touch us;
  • 2°/ Truth must reach not man in general as ideologies do, but concrete individuals, otherwise the human person is sacrificed to a "higher" ideal.
  • 3°/ We appreciate the light of Truth when it illuminates the world, but when it sheds light on our sins we find it unbearable and we try to get rid of it;
  • 4°/ Truth acknowledges that death exists. We are afraid of death because we are attached to life. But philosophies that invite us to detach ourselves from life to avoid feeling the bite of death are false. Truth shouldn’t diminish our love of life, shouldn’t take away our lucidity before death, and it necessarily aspires to something like a resurrection.

In short, Jesus is Truth, and we can say that in the Cross we see in full light the judgment of the world because the Cross shows that He who is Truth, Goodness, Innocence itself provokes the hatred of the world and is eventually killed by the world—the lesson is very clear. The world is judged because it has shown in the Cross that its logic leads it to torture and kill absolute Truth, Goodness and Innocence.

Christ's Victory is that He glorified God in the face of this unleashing of hatred of the world, showing who God is: Love, Forgiveness, Infinite Mercy, which prove to be far superior to all the hatred in the world and capable of dominating, engulfing and overcoming it.

"Now is the judgment of this world; now will the ruler of this world be cast out. And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself." (Jn 12:31-32).

In all our questions about faith, life and society, we must seek Truth, even if, as the Fathers of the Church have warned us, the task is difficult: 

“Truth knows that she is a stranger on earth.” (Tertullian)