Mary is the House Where Christ Weds the Church

Mary is the House Where Christ Weds the Church

"Wisdom has built her house, she has set up her seven columns; she has dressed her meat, mixed her wine, yes, she has spread her table."

(Proverbs 9:1-2)


Mary is a creature, she was built by the Creator, by the creating Wisdom.


Mary is holy, most holy, sanctified by the Holy Spirit in order to bear the Word of God, who became incarnate through the Holy Spirit.


The image of the house with seven columns evokes the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit, the plenitude of gifts.


"First the house where he [the Word of God] would come down and accept to dwell, had to be built. Of that house Solomon said: ‘Wisdom has built her house, she has set up her seven columns.' (Prov 9: 1).


Indeed this virginal house is sustained by seven columns, because the venerable Mother received the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit." (1)


This house of seven columns is also a nuptial chamber. Indeed, the Incarnation accomplished the story of the Covenant between God and humanity, the marriage between Christ and the Church. Jesus is true man and true God. God offers his presence fully. Mary is the nuptial chamber, the place where the divine spouse meets humanity to unite himself to her:

"It was necessary first to build the nuptial chamber, to make it fit to receive the Spouse who was coming to take the holy Church as his bride. (2)

Saint Peter Damian understood the depth of this mystery. He had greatly admired Mary, the mother of the incarnate Word:

"How will the weakness of human nature worthily celebrate the feast of she who has merited to be the joy of angels?

How will the ephemeral word of mortal man praise her whose womb gave life to the Word who dwells in eternity?" (3)



1) Saint Peter Damian (Doctor of the Church) Sermo XLV, PL 144, 741 BC

2) Saint Peter Damian (Doctor of the Church) Sermo XLV,, PL 144, 741 B

3) Saint Peter Damian (Doctor of the Church) Sermo XLV, PL 144, 742 C


Synthesis by F. Breynaert



The Analogy of God as Husband