The Mary of Nazareth Project

The Mary of Nazareth Project

The aim of the "Mary of Nazareth" project is to make known and loved the One who leads to Christ, within the framework of an ambitious, manifold project:

  • The International Marian Center in Nazareth: "Mary's House"
  • A website in 12 languages: ""
  • A TV documentary on the cult of Mary: "In the name of the Mother"
  • Books, DVDs, videos, TV or radio broadcasts with the same contents
  • A full-length movie on the mystery of Mary contemplated through the unique life of Karol Wojtyla 

We are trying to fill a serious gap:


The Virgin Mary has been prayed and sung to, celebrated and honored by people from every continent, yet there is still no place or means to allow everyone to fully realize the width, the depth and the greatness of the mystery of the Mother of God, which opens onto the whole of the Christian Faith.


Our wish is to make Mary of Nazareth known and loved, by using the most advanced multimedia techniques to process the contents from over 1,000 different authors, from every country and all Christian traditions.


This unique and historical initiative is backed and supported by:

  • all the traditional Christian Churches in the Holy Land
  • several cardinals and bishops from important Marian shrines
  • many specialists from the greatest intitutions: Marianum, PAMI, IMRI in Dayton, SBF, EBJ, SFEM, etc.

The project was welcomed warmly by the Christian community of Nazareth, who see it as a project for unity, hope and peace. Divine Providence granted us 32,000 square feet of land and a panoramic terrace overlooking the city, just across the street from the Basilica of the Annunciation.


This project presents an extraordinary opportunity today - which is akin to the first mission of the Church - to make Jesus and the Virgin Mary known and loved throughout the world. But the success of this endeavor depends on your support. We need your help to present this gift to Our Mother Mary!

The Mary of Nazareth Project