Marianne Stokes. Madonna and Child, 1907-1908. Wikimedia Commons.
Mary is a creature like all human beings, but she is also the One who said: "all generations will call me blessed" (Lk 1: 48). Of all God's creatures, she is the One that the Church Fathers and Doctors have called "God's masterpiece" or "the King's Secret." Her "yes" to God changed the course of history forever.
For God the Father, she is the One—chosen from the very beginning—in whom the Covenant with His creation was able to be fulfilled, according to the plan of Redemption by His Divine Word...
For the Word of God, she is the One from whom He received his humanity, the One who took care of him during his life on Earth, the One He called "Mother," the One who had the most power over her Son's heart and the One who was able to obtain whatever she desired...
For us, Mary is the Mother, the Refuge of tenderness, compassion and mercy, who brings us forth to eternal life. Mary is also our Model, because she is our sister in accordance with the human condition. She is the Morning Star, in whom Hope becomes a guiding force in our lives...
The articles of this section reflect upon the relationship between the Virgin Mary and the Blessed Trinity, as well as the nature of Mary’s motherhood toward the human race. They also present reflections from the dogmatic constitution Lumen Gentium (Second Vatican Council), which treats of the Blessed Virgin Mary; her role as mother of the Church, the Body of Christ; and her role in the economy of salvation. Finally, the articles offer texts which lay the foundation of Mariology: texts from the ecumenical councils, the Fathers of the Church, and various traditions. Mariology and Marian institutions of study form the last segment of this doctrinal study.
L'équipe de MDN.