Daily blessings

The spiritual climate of Jesus' childhood is found in the the Old Testament.

The essential element of domestic or synagogal cult rests on the blessing, by which the believer thanks God each instant of his life, though all of his actions. Blessing forms the thread of all prayer, for the main thing is to bless.

Blessings are spread out over the whole day.

Upon waking, the proper thing to do is to bless God for his gift to us of being conscious of our thoughts and acts.

When the believer opens his eyes, he says, "Blessed are you, Yaweh our God, king of the universe, who open the eyes of the blind."

When he arises, while stretching, "Blessed are you. Yaweh our God, king of the universe, who delivers the bound."

When he gets on his feet, "Blessed are you, Yaweh our God, who straightens the bent."

When he stands on the ground, "Blessed are you, Yaweh our God, king of the universe, who has spread the earth upon the waters.

When he starts walking, "Blessed are you, Yaweh our God, who strenghened the steps of Man."

Upon dressing, "Blessed are you, Yaweh our God, king of the universe, who cover the naked."

When he puts on his sandals, "Blessed are you, Yaweh our God, king of the universe, who provided for all our needs."

When he ties on his belt, "Blessed are you, Yaweh our God, king of the universe, who has girded Israel with power."

Putting on his hat, "Blessed are you, Yaweh our God, king of the universe, who has crowned Israel with glory."

On the Sabbath day

If each day of the week was filled with religious formulae, so much more is the Sabbath day, which is dedicated to prayer and meditation: all secular life ceases for twenty four hours, from Friday evening to Saturday evening.

Everything starts at dinnertime on Friday, for the opening of the Sabbath.

The head of the family, in Jesus' case, Joseph, holds a cup of wine in his hand, a symbol of life and joy. He blesses God for the gift of the Sabbath and says the different blessings thoughout a festive meal:

  • Blessed are you, Yaweh our God, king of the universe, who created the fruit of the vine.
  • Blessed are you, Yaweh, king of the universe, who sanctified us through your commandments, who chose us to be your people, and who, in your love for us, gave us the holy day of the Sabbath in memory of creation.
  • Blessed are you, Yaweh our God, king of the universe, who has made the Sabbath holy
  • Blessed are you, Yaweh our God, king of the universe, who draws bread from the earth.

"Listen, O Israel, the Lord our God is the One Lord. You shall love the Lord your God with all your might, with all your being, with all your might. The words of the commandments I give you today shall be present in your heart. You shall repeat them to your sons, you shall tell them to you sons while at home and while on the road, while reclined and while standing, you shall make a sign and attach it to you hand, a mark between your eyes, you shall write them on your door hinges and at the entrance of your city".

And before going to sleep, each Jew recites the prayer of Shema Israel, then invokes the blessing of God upon sleep and asks God peace for nightly rest:

"Yaweh, our God, make us fall asleep in peace and wake us up to life. Set above us your tent of peace. Inspire in us lofly thoughts and surround us with your protection. Save us from the wickedness of men. Keep from us cruel trials. Deviate from our feet the tumbling stone and shelter us under your kindness. You are our guardian and our Savior, the tender and merciful God. Direct our thoughts and our acts toward life and goodness. Blessed are you, Lord, who bestow upon us, your people Israel, upon Jerusalem and upon all nations your tutelary peace. Amen".

Religious majority and pilgrimages to Jerusalem

The law ordered three pilgrimages a year, for all men from the age of twelve, the age when a child enters adulthood, after a period of religious instruction: the child becomes Bar Mitzva, a son of the law.

On that day in the synagogue, he is asked to come forward and to read a passage from the Torah. At twelve, Jesus therefore went with his parents to Jerusalem. The evangelist Luke recalls this moment of the young Jesus' life (Lk 2: 41-52): after the festival, Jesus stayed in the Temple, unbeknownst of his parents. When they discovered his absence in the caravan home, they returned to Jerusalem and looked for him for three days.

In that same Temple, Jesus was found after a search of three days. He was seated among the doctors, a fact which highlights the child's intelligence and wisdom. By his answers and his questions, he obviously understood the Scriptures, he knew what God expected of man. This is the essence of his wisdom which, when deeply penetrated, causes everyone to feel admiration.