
Hungary was Christianized in the 10th century, with the custom of calling Mary the "Great Lady of the Hungarians." The country was entrusted to the Mother of God by King Saint Stephen (968-1038).

After the Ottoman domination, Marian congregations gave a new impetus to the Hungarian ideal of becoming a Marian kingdom.

In the dramatic context of the Second World War, entire populations and cities consecrated themselves to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. An "expiatory" type of prayer began to spread, (i.e. a love for Mary Immaculate that tends towards conversion and sanctification).

During the Soviet occupation, the Primate of Poland Cardinal Mindszenty constantly referred to the Great Lady of Hungary to sustain the faith and national sentiment.

Among the most important shrines we find:

Mariaremete in Budapest, Mariagyud, Our Lady of Tears in Mariapocs, Our Lady of Tears in Gyor...
