
Saint Paul was shipwrecked on the island of Malta on his journey to Rome. This episode related in the Acts of the Apostles shows the humanity of the natives, and their path toward faith from their own beliefs. The governor of the island, Publius, offered Paul and his companions hospitality, and Paul performed many healings in the name of Jesus (Acts 28: 1-10).

Saint Paul must have passed on to them about the fullness of time when God sent his Son, born of a woman, so that we may receive filial adoption (cf. Gal 4, 1-7), because the Maltese developed a respectful and affectionate devotion to the mother of the Son of God.

Malta's strategic location attracted many civilizations through the ages

On September 7, 1565, the Vigil of the feast of Mary's Nativity, the island won a victory over the invading Turkish troops. Since that time, September 8th has become a national holiday.

From 1800 to 1964, Malta was part of the British Empire. The island became an independent country in 1964, member of the European Union in 2004, and of the euro zone in 2008.
