The Virgin Mary (Paul VI)

The Virgin Mary (Paul VI)

While we close the ecumenical council (1965)

While we close the ecumenical council, we are honoring Mary Most Holy, the mother of Christ, and consequently, as we declared on another occasion, the mother of God and our spiritual mother. We are honoring Mary Most Holy, the Immaculate One, therefore innocent, stupendous, perfect. She is the woman, the true woman who is both ideal and real, the creature in whom the image of God is reflected with absolute clarity, without any disturbance, as happens in every other human creature.

Is it not perhaps in directing our gaze on this woman who is our humble sister and at the same time our heavenly mother and queen, the spotless and sacred mirror of infinite beauty, that we can terminate the spiritual ascent of the council and our final greeting? Is it not here that our post-conciliar work can begin? Does not the beauty of Mary Immaculate become for us an inspiring model, a comforting hope?

(Paul VI, 1965, december 8, 1965).


Profession of faith (1968)

We believe that Mary is the ever-virgin Mother of the incarnate Word, our God and Savior Jesus Christ (9), and that by reason of this singular election she was, in consideration of the merits of her Son, redeemed in a more eminent way (10), preserved from any stain of original sin (11) and filled with the gift of grace more than all the other creatures (12).

The most blessed Virgin was associated to the mysteries of the Incarnation and of the Redemption (13), by a close and indissoluble bond and was, toward the end of her life on earth, lifted in body and soul to the heavenly glory (14) and configured to her risen Son, in anticipation of the coming state of all the justs; and we believe that the holy Mother of God, the new Eve, the Mother of the Church (15), continues in Heaven her motherly role toward the members of Jesus Christ, by assisting in the birth and growth of the Divine life in the souls of the redeemed"(16).

(excerpts from the Profession of faith of the Pope Paul VI - June 30, 1968)



(9) Cf. Council of Ephesus (DS 251-252).

(10) Cf. Council Vatican II, Constitution Lumen Gentium, n. 53 (AAS, LVII, 1965, p. 58-59).

(11) Cf. Pius IX, bulla Ineffabilis Deus, Acta, pars I, vol. I, p. 616.

(12) Cf. Council Vatican II, Constitution Lumen Gentium, n° 53 (AAS, LVII, 1965, p. 58-59).

(13) Cf. Council Vatican II, Constitution Lumen Gentium, n° 53, 58, 61 (AAS, LVII, 1965, p. 58-59, 61-62, 63).

(14) Cf. Pius XII, Constitution Munificentissimus Deus (AAS, XLII, 1950, p. 770).

(15) Cf. Council Vatican II, Constitution Lumen Gentium, n° 53, 56, 61, 63 (AAS LVII, 1965, p. 58-59, 60-61, 63,64) ; Paul VI, address for the closing of the third session of the Council, November 21, 1964 (AAS, LVI, 1964, p. 1016) ; apostolic exhortation Signum magnum, May 13, 1967 (AAS, LIX, 1967, p. 465 and 467).

(16) Cf. Council Vatican II, Constitution Lumen Gentium, n. 62 (AAS, LVII, 1965, p. 63) ; apostolic exhortation Signum magnum, May 13, 1967 (AAS, LIX, 1967, p. 468).